Monday 8 October 2012

happy belated birthday clarence ♥

helloowww :) chinese was.... okay? I don't know either, but the passages made my eyes open super super huge LOL
especially the one about the owl and the wolf! I didn't even understand anything about it can. Ugh, I was kinda hoping that I could maintain a B for my chinese since both my math 1 and 2 are goners so yup. But i don't think its possible anymore, ohwelllz wadeva


okay so that aside, i was watching niga higa videos last night and laughing like some mad woman before I changed genre to tumblr couple videos, especially those on javannah (Jared and Savannah)!! ^^ According to marcus and kennedy, they say I have no life but its not like i worship them or anything, it's just that they're so so so so so so so sweeetttt together but they've broken up and so while watching all the past videos I was trying my best not to get sad after that ;_;
but yes, I kinda got really sad after that so yup pooo.

that asideeeee, headed to burger king with kennedy and marcus to have lunch and sat there to talk for awhile :) OKOK I'M GNNA DO A BIRTHDAY POST FOR CLARENCE NOW! SO YUP :D


You've been my friend since we were 8, and so that marks.. our 7 years of friendship! And I've never ever ever regretted knowing you :) Subconsciously, you've become a huge part of my life, and no doubt you still will in the years to come. I still remember how I practically facepalmed myself when I saw you at the first EDS general meeting in the LT. Oh and when we had to shake hands for the first time. I think both you and I had the same "oh shit oh shit oh shit why why why" feeling but I'm really really grateful that we got past that awkward stage and became so close ^^ I think I'm really privileged to get to know you, and I'll never forget the days back in primary school when I used to call you Little Red Riding Hood because of your red bag. And how we used to walk home after higher mother tongue lessons, with you kicking the stones that got in your way / throwing sand around. And now, you're always the matured one who's always stopping us from quarreling or having petty fights with your signature "EH STOP IT AH! STOP IT OK!" HAHAHA, and you'll always stand in between us, but we always manage to speak over you ;) and each time i have problems, you're always there to give me your honest opinions and help me by offering tons of different solutions. And that is why I always enjoy the short 7 minutes walk from the bus stop to the junction :)

but then again.... we all know how childish you get when you're really crazy. I still remember that trip to IKEA when you dropped the iron and we had to run away!! TSK. Nonetheless, we all love you and you know it. Thank you for always being there for me and offering a helping hand or listening ear whenever I needed it. You'll always be that stupid silly P6 clarence yeo qi cheng who always got into trouble for splashing water around in the toilet or playing till you got all sweaty. Now that you're finally 15, its time to ditch your IKEA Smaland club! 

so happy belated birthday yang qi cheng! thank you for being such an amazing best friend simply by staying alive :) when you get married, I'll be your bridesmaid ok! HAHAHAA. Or your flower girl, I'm very easy-going ;)  But I look forward to the long long long friendship ahead of us, because I'm definite this friendship we share will last. Happy belated birthday once again ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥