Sunday 14 October 2012

Some people go to the ends of the earth just to see what they can see.

haha hello! today was another great day, headed out to tuition as usual, but today's lesson was more fun because trina tunafishhy came for it! :) and laoshi didn't really give us much to do except for the compo that we obviously didn't do, so most of the time cihui and i were facing the back and talking to shushen, trina and jiahui :) hmm and then after lesson, i immediately rushed down to take the bus to bedok to meet fiona! I even skipped my lunch yknow! Turns out she was super duper duper extremely late because that silly girl came out without money and she had to go back home. And the worst thing was, while waiting for her on the seat at the platform, i missed her train /: So we only saw each other at 2:30pm. But anyways, headed to orchard instead of somerset so we had to train back again hahaha. The thing about us is, I'm always the one following her since she's better at directions. But on the train, we always seem to talk too much and end up missing our stop, it always happens!

so then we headed to get my doughnuts before heading to scape where we spent almost our whole day there :) It was really really humid though, but I love shopping with my wifey :) she's the best person to seek advice and opinions from and she knows what I like and what I don't like, so its really comfortable shopping with her. Hmm so we were perspiring and what not, but I got myself a new bag and 2 new necklaces while she got herself 2 tops, 2 necklaces, 1 bracelet and another blouse for her mum :)

and we spent super little okay!!!!

Hehehe. Then we headed off to cineleisure to look for juliana's present and enjoy the air con :) Met bernice, yuting and tiffany from our school and fiona was spazzing with yuting so bernice and I were giving each other awkward smiles hehs. Oh and fiona saw her primary school bus friend too! And then we saw.......



Fiona was the first one to spot him so she was shouting "MARCUS! MARCUS! MARCUS ANG!" but he didn't hear a thing. Me, on the other hand, was like "Huh??? Marcus??? where?? I don't see him fiona! OH OH OH I SEE HIM! MARCUS! MARCUS ANG!" <- yup, that was pretty much the scene, so many people turned to look but marcus still didn't turn around.

and so, the 2 of us ran down the escalator shouting his name while saying "excuse me" LOL! Wtcrap, it was as if we were two fangirls chasing after our idol. So when he finally turned around, YAY :D
we said hi to his dad and his sister, and I was trying to tell and show him what I bought but he didn't show any interest stupid marcus. And so we said our byes because his dad and michelle were waiting for him. Headed down to get BFF but we saw alyssa and other d'mvmt people! And then someone started screaming fiona's name and it turned out to be her 19 yr old aunt! So both of them started screaming and shrieking and stuffs and marcus came down so both of us were like staring at each other, haha! and then they started talking about their new baby cousin and marcus had to leave. Fiona's aunt treated us to a laaaaarrrrgeeee serving of frolick's cos she was working there hehe. And she gave us so much toppings that there wasn't anymore space on the yoghurt itself :)

went to the foodcourt to eat it and then after many many many tries of me posing for the supposedly unglam picture, we headed to fiona's granny's house! It took me may tries because fiona wanted to take it for me but I felt super shy cos we were in the foodcourt and it was so crowded HAHA. So I told her to take as many natural shots as possible while I wasn't looking so I wouldn't feel so awkward. And then she could just choose one of her favourites and post it, heh. But obviously it failed because I look terrible in natural shots (LOL) and so yup I decided to cooperate with fiona hahah. On the way to the station, we stopped by A&F and....

HEHHEHEHEHHEHHEHEHEHHE YAYAYAYYYY AND I WAS SUPER COOL THIS TIME OK! I just walked in calmly although my heart was beating furiously (again) and this time I didn't dilly dally at all! I was super cooperative this time, right fiona?? ;) I hope one day I'll have many many polaroids with the models and I'll paste them on my wall :) But I'm not like bieberzxc ok! HAHA

hehe then we headed to her granny's house and collected the pillow for her baby cousin and then trained home the whole way. I like her grandparents and her aunt because they're so so friendly and warm and just so nice :)
BUT RIGHT, BLOODY HELL I WAS CHEATED OF MY MONEY AT PASIR RIS INTERCHANGE UGH. This lady with red contact lenses and many piercings on her nose and lip pulled me to a corner and spoke so quickly and told me to "donate" either $4, $6 or $10. I tried to get away and try to escape but I couldn't because there were more than one of them so I had to see my $4 fly away ): 

she gave me 2 pens in exchange (wts) and so i was feeling super sad because I actually saved $9 from today and I was planning to bring it home but unfortunately now I'm left with only $5. And when I got home, my mum made me feel even sadder by pointing out the troll face on the slip of paper in the plastic wrapping the pen was in. ): She said I'm always easily tricked when I'm outside and that made me very very very sad because yeahhhh what she said was true. Meh.

So yup! Apart from that I'm really really happy because yesterday, Felicia came over to talk and we talked for 3 hours in my room non stop :D It was nice to catch up with her and hear all her cool stories and stuff! And at night I finished my korean drama and so I experienced withdrawal symptoms ): that means I finished watching it in 3 days! HOLY COW
and today i'm gnna start on another one teeheeeeee. So yup tomorrow will be another good day since I'm waking up early to play badminton with marcus, clarence and kennedy :) Wheeeeeee goodbyee! I shall go watch my drama now ;)