Tuesday 23 October 2012

Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.

"Sometimes people ask us the wrong questions and so we cannot give them the right answers
But the worst part is when we become those people and we ask ourselves the wrong questions 
because we are terrified of hearing the right answers"

(did i catch anyone's interest in particular plz say yes)

anyhoo that was me on a sunny sunday afternoon with nothing better to do in my parent's room HEHE. No wonder Sharon used to call me a narcissist although i don't think I'm a full time one LOL anyway the performance for the LA festival is tomorrow, and what else can I say apart from the fact that I'm honestly truly seriously extremely terrified. The thought of it alone actually scares me so much. Doesn't really help that "The Dollhouse" is the first play to be performed ): I'm looking forward to seeing my eds lovelies tomorrow before the performance but I don't want to perform ))))))))))))))): <- look at the number of double chins i have, its hilarious. Okay some highlights of my interesting life recently hahahahha

1) There's been practice almost everyday since last week and yay I'm lovin it

2) Rochelle broke my test tubes on friday but I feel really bad that I placed the test tubes under my table in the first place and SHE'S SO SO NICE AND SWEET, which totally makes me feel even worse for not bearing responsibility for my belongings

3) I want to return her the money she passed to loraine to pass to me but I'm 99% sure she won't accept it back

4) Jinghao has been calling me round since the first practice after the EOYs and he says I grew fatter )))))))):

5) But I love my juniors so much and I'm actually happy he's back to his annoying self ☺ ☺ ☺

6) I got accused of saying the f word yesterday by Marcus when I didn't

7) I love the late night phone calls I've been having with the above person because we haven't had that in a while ☺

8) but that's also the reason as to why I'm pretty much a walking zombie in the day o_e

9) Today's tech run for tomorrow's performance didn't go really well and everyone was really stressed

10) I'm dreading tomorrow yet I don't want this to end :)

Lastly, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to sleep early tonight again because my my contacts are still in my eyes and they refuse to be taken out ughhietrodoibnaienbioe;onbo.

And today, I realized that I'm a huge sucker at archery )': At the beginning I was telling Yongzi that this activity would totally reveal my hidden talent at this and maybe I could be the next survivor of the Hunger Games like Katniss but gosh, who was I kidding.

I couldn't seem to let go of the bowstring so the whole time I just stood there with loraine standing awkwardly next to me ): Sorry lorainee. She kept telling me to let go and even tried the "Okay chiyin let's shoot together okay?? At the count of three, 1...2...3" aaaaannnddd nothing happened.

the instructor came over to me too and she kept coaxing me with different ways like "Imagine there's a big bad wolf in front of you and you have to shoot it!", or, "the person you really really hate is in front of you now, so how?", or, "If you don't shoot I'm going to tickle you!" le sigh
If it makes your day better, this happened throughout the three times I was up there at the shooting line. Eventually I closed both my eyes and slowly let my fingers slide away, and there my arrow went, missing the bull's eye by.................. 1 cm! NOOOOOOOOOOO

you know if that really happened i think it would have made me feel better but no it didn't. Once, my arrow bounced off the board and fell to ground, and on other tries it just hit the white area or the cloth behind the board sighpie ): If I had to survive in the wilderness with a bow and a bag of arrows, I might just make the headlines the very next day. 

Apart from that, its almost time for me to get a new phone and the one I'm using now is such a disappointment. At first it was really fast + good but now it's slow and laggy and it just hangs almost all the time. It's even worse than a slug or a snail. But although I want a new phone, I don't quite want it either because I want to keep all the messages I have and yet I doubt I can /:
Okays I'm off to try remove my contacts now, its so disturbing and annoying and I'm typing with only one eye opened because my right eye feels so dry right now ):

goodbye and have a good night! Don't let the bed bugs bite hohoho