Sunday 28 October 2012

Same sky, different time.

Hello guiz I'm back! everytime I open blogger with the intention to blog, i end up going onto youtube/twitter and all that and then I end up closing blogger all over again /: ANYWAY ANYWAY I finished another drama! In 3 days hhehhehehe :) so this time, after watching TTBY i didn't have anything else to watch so I started googling "Nice korean love dramas 2012" and "best korean dramas 2012" HAHAHAHAHAA. And then.... I came across


this isn't gnna be another spazzing session but omg omg I lovveeeee this drama so much )): I wish it lasted for another 20 episodes! And the 2 of them are officially a couple in real life hehe. His confession to her was so sweet too omg :') Anyhoo, this drama has got the perfect combination of funny scenes, sad scenes, fighting scenes and romantic scenes.

So today, headed to parkway for chinese tuition and then came home, ate, and went on youtube to watch my drama. And then soon after I was lying on my bed in my room crying and sobbing away so much that my blanket was pretty soaked with my tears at a certain part ☹ ☹ I'm a sucker for all these, I swear. My heart just can't take all the sad scenes and each time these scenes pop out I just cry and cry and cry, its so.... weird. But yes, its crazy how I go through an emotional roller coaster with each drama I watch.

I had to refrain myself from posting gifs from the drama because the last time I did, kennedy didn't want to read my post because he said it was a spoiler! (but I like spoilers because I can't stand cliffhangers heh)

On wednesday before the performance backstage :) hmm as for the performance, I have nothing to say haha, its like, expected results? I don't know, I didn't really expect much after performing it anyway. 

After the performance, we skipped LA concurrent session and headed to parkway to eat and hang out, and now I'm kinda regretting it because the teachers want an excuse & something tells me they ain't gnna let us off easily hmm. And Thursday was the last day of school!!! :) Collected dossiers, then met up with Kennedy and Marcus to bus down to NEX ;) we had lunch, then soghurt, then walked around, and..... I forgot what else we did hahahaha :b

Soooo.... yup! That was how the last few days of school went about :) had drama lessons yesterday, and it wasn't anything much heh.  

Do you think time travelling is possible? like, for two different periods of time to exist at the same time? if it did, it would be really scary to find out that history isn't exactly history. And memory loss is really truly seriously extremely scary, its like a whole part of your life disappearing completely. And you lose the people you love and the things that mean the world to you... sheesh.

Headed to trina's home tomorrow! I can't wait :)  
alright then, enjoy your holidays and yup, CYA :)