Wednesday 31 October 2012

“People didn't change, they liked what they liked even if they didn't understand why.”

Heyyyaaa the past 2 days have been good for me! Headed out to Trina's house with Shimin on Monday and ended up spending the whole afternoon having pizza, talking, and watching Miss Congeniality 1 & 2 on Shimin's computer ☺ met shimin at kembangan at first, and then we ran to the wrong bus stop hoping we could catch our bus which was supposedly turning left. Well, it did turn left, except that it didn't stop at that bus stop. And sooo, we walked all the way back to the previous bus stop and talked while waiting for the bus :) Alighted a stop earlier so we had to walk to trina's house but it wasn't that hard since that silly girl was already out waving her hands at us ;)
And the moment we reached her home, we all started eating and oh gosh it felt so good to fill my tummy because I was literally starving. And the pizza was fabuloussssssss

plus trina's not kidding about her house having unlimited food supply! So with all the juice and food, my originally empty stomach became like an inflated balloon LOL.
Then we talked and talked and then headed up to watch our show :) Then ate some more and watched round 2 of Miss Congeniality :) Wanted to go to Udders after that but trina couldn't go because it was time for dinner. So yup! Bussed home feeling so full and happy!

As for yesterday,

headed for lunch date with marcus! I woke up extremely late and by the time I actually started to get ready, it was 12:30pm. And we were supposed to meet at one! Left the house at 1:07pm and I brisk walked the whole time to the bus stop. When we finally met up, we ended up walking 2 rounds around the basement of Tampines 1 talking because we didn't really know what to eat. Then went to get paper for kennedy's birthday card before getting our 1 for 1 frolick. Ended up doing something super kiasu LOLOL HAHA. Hm then we walked up to Muji where I got myself a tote bag for $3.90 hehe. 

Decided to do so because he said he'd design it for me :) so the first picture is him stamping his initials and the date on the bag! Then carried it the whole afternoon to Toysrus where we sat on the floor and played with "Baby Alive" HAHA. The first time Baby Alive came out, I wanted it soooo badly /: But the dolls are really cute altho marcus doesn't think so. There was one doll who kept saying "I love you mommy" to him, and he was like "F*ck you I'm your dad" LOL!

Then went to the baby section to play with the baby toys and contemplated buying a soccer ball for clarence haha. After that we went to the boys section and sat there again playing with the cars although i didn't find it interesting ohweeell. After more dilly-dallying, we headed to LJS to have our "linner" (Lunch before dinner) heheh. Talked, then went to UDDERS! And that's us with our ice-creammmm :) Went to T1 to sit on the steps to eat, then he bought his bubble tea and we bussed home :) Good day indeed! But the thing is, everytime i go out with marcus, i end up coming home broke.. and why? Because I spend all my money on food o_e

came home and watched the last song while marcus designed my bag. Its gnna turn out great, i just know it!
alright then bye guys!