Friday 2 November 2012

Heaven is a place on earth with you.

(taken from @thatbestrelguy's instaaaaaa)


Met kennedy and marcus @ whitesands at 11+am yesterday and had subway for lunch. Then Marcus and I waited for kennedy to cut his hair before going to tanah merah to meet yongzi. Even on the train, we had no idea where to go so we ended up training to harbourfront! Wasted time walking around vivo before we headed to sentosa :) the original plan was just to hang out somewhere so marcus could play with his overpriced DSLR so after much dilly-dallying we decided to go to sentosa...again. Yongzi even suggested just chilling at Starbucks or just watch a movie because it was so hot outside.

and yes the weather was so hot i was melting like an ice-cream under the hot hot sun. (Btw I went for a ran yesterday CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I ACTUALLY RAN! But I looked like a dead fish running behind my brother lolol) Anyway so back to the point, first stop: USS globe! Marcus kept making us his 3 models and made us do funny poses in front of the globe, and then there was one part where kennedy was like "EH! STOP IT AH! WE'RE YOUR MODELS SO STOP COMPLAINING HOR!" and then we attracted a lot of unwanted attention ohwell. But he only said that because that stupid marcus kept making us stand at the same spot for super long just to catch the "Universal" word.

then we went to Palawan Beach & spent the whole afternoon there. Marcus was the only one wearing shoes so he immediately took of his shoes and tied them to his bag and walked barefoot all the way! Well done ang wee kiat! ;) Explored the place and crossed the bridge the other side cos the other time we visited the place, it was cordoned off. We climbed up the towers and took tumblr worthy pictures! And marcus was going around with his DSLR taking more pictures of us and the scenery. Yongzi, Kennedy and I tried photobombing a couple so the english man opposite us was laughing. Enjoyed the breeze up there for a bit before we explored the whole place and climbed upwards one of of the palm trees that was bended outwards. It was pretty scary! And then after about 1 hour plus and near to 2 hours, we boarded the tram and went 2 rounds on it because our legs were so tired and sore. We saw a peacock and 2 peahens too! ^^ Then headed to vivo after Marcus and Kennedy got their big gulp and they mixed the different drinks together. It tasted quite not bad!

Then we hung around at the open space outside food republic @ vivo because we had no idea where to go to eat (as usual). Marcus tried mimicking the children who were dancing away to advertise Sentosa's 40th birthday and gained quite a number of stares. Then he wanted to try out his camera effects and took pictures of the moving crowd. So we waited for 3 crowds to pass before we trained to simei to have Eighteen Chefs :) The train was so crowded and I was so hungry and tired so yep, it was horrible ): 
By the time we reached Eighteen Chefs I was STARVING and my stomach was growling! but it was so crowded so we had to wait for quite some time before we got our seat outdoors. Both kennedy and I were like, "aiya nvm, just take the seat!" But both Yongzi and marcus wanted the seats indoors hehe. Then we had our imaginary friend "Michael" join us for dinner too! That was super lame but marcus was the one who came up with it LOL! 

Then at one point of time, I took kennedy's phone to play and he leaned over and his ice dropped on me and slid down my arm )))): I would've have spat an ice at him as payback but nah I was too lady like for that ;) -winks-

then bussed home, and cut my fringe bc I couldn't take it!

I think I did quite a good job yknow! Ohyes, go watch The Lucky One and The Last Song! They're soooo good and romantic and lovely, especially The Lucky One! I spent the last 2 days at home watching them hehhs :) 
Alright then! Byebye :)