Saturday 20 October 2012

There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.

hmm hello again, finally a proper post for the week excluding the one below because that was just me spazzing the whole time ;) but I've taken my short nap so yay I've kinda calmed down a bit! Shall do a short summary of my week although its not like its really interesting anyway!

Monday - badminton with the best friends @ pasir ris recreation centre. 3 hours of badminton was definitely tiring and it caused my arms to ache like hell the next day. Plus I was annoyed with my twitching right eye so I kept rubbing it ): Woke up at 7:38AM in the morning and frankly I thought I was gnna be late again so I was rushing the whole time, but it turned out that Clarence, Marcus and I were the early ones :) Kennedy just woke up at the time that we were already there so yeah he arrived 10 minutes after the time we booked the court. Towards the end, we had this short "match" so it was like one versus one in each round to gain points so we could determine the winner hehe. And in the end, kennedy was the first (expected la he tsk) and I was the second, marcus was the third and clarence was the fourth. And clarence was like, "and once again Lin Dan loses" HAHA. Then headed to have lunch before going home.

Tuesday - Day 1 of the returning of scripts. Did okay, was pretty satisfied and happy with my results. Headed home with Trina, stopped by 7-eleven to get 2 big buns to eat on the way home because I was starving. Pretty good day :)

Wednesday - Day 2 of the returning of scripts. Saw my Math 1 paper, felt numb to it because I sorta expected it and already prepared myself for the worst. But there was still a tiny part of me that felt disappointed. Headed to lunch at the canteen but didn't really talk much because I was unhappy, yet I wanted the Math 2 paper back because honestly, I expected much more from it. I thought I would do well for the Math 2 paper but when I saw the marks I just crumbled right there. I didn't even see my paper first hand because I went to the toilet with Yongzi so I had to go to the back of the hall to get my paper from Mrs Kong. I was anticipating some good news while queuing at the back so when I saw my grade on the namelist on Mrs Kong's table, I actually blinked a few times to make sure I was looking at the right name. The whole time I walked back to my seat I was fighting the tears and I was just clutching on to my paper and telling myself not to break down. But the moment I sat down and saw the marks, the tears started welling up in my eyes and I immediately asked Yongzi to follow me out. Went backstage and cried and sobbed and hugged her and I kept trying to stop but I couldn't because I honestly thought I would have done better. Then we tried going to the toilet but there were so many people there so we walked one whole round back to the hall and I kept looking down but kept bumping into people. Yongzi went back in to check my marks again and found out that they only miscounted 1 mark, but it wasn't enough. Then went back into the hall after I stopped crying and headed to the LT for history. Did well, but my mind wasn't on the history paper and I kept thinking of my math and the tears started flowing down again and I felt so damn pathetic and useless. The worst part was when we went home. Met up with Marcus, Clarence and Kennedy and cried once more like some noob and then bussed to Serangoon with Marcus while Clarence and Kennedy took to Aljunied. Slept through the whole bus ride because my head was hurting and my eyes were sore. Then after that I felt slightly better because Marcus was there to talk to me but the moment he alighted at his stop from 81 the whole thing started again. And so I sobbed the whole walk home. Plugged in my earpieces and I honestly felt so horrible while crying because the people walking past me actually looked at me more than once but I didn't really care. When I got home, I literally collapsed and this time my head was really hurting so much so that it was as if it was going to explode after banging into something hard. My eyes were all red and sore, and when my brother came to hug me, I just ended up soaking his shirt with my tears. But he comforted me and told me everything was going to be okay, and for a while, I felt better. Took a bath then watched TTBY but stopped watching after 15 minutes and went to sleep because I was so, so, so, exhausted.

Thursday - Headed to school with swollen and puffy eyes and then attended chemistry lecture where I dying of boredom. And yet I was feeling pretty annoyed as well /: then there was the CME learning journey where it was sooooooo boring i felt like running away from the group and going home myself. The only fun part was the part where we had a while to roam about and do our own things at Kampong Glam. The trip to the Supreme Court wasn't even exciting because the guide kept talking non-stop about more and more and more information that I didn't even absorb. He didn't let us walk around ourselves and while other groups got to go downstairs, we stayed at the exhibition and it was so b o r i n g
The malay heritage centre was okay, but my legs were aching and all i wanted to do was to just sit down. The guide just stood at the exact same spot for super long trying to tell us loads of things and he didn't let us view the exhibits by ourselves. But it was made better knowing that some of my classmates were in the same group as me ☺When we went back to school, I headed to the library with Kennedy where we had a short talk and then went back with Marcus :)

Friday - Chemistry lecture again, and this time I was fighting the strong urge to sleep. Then went for the cash flow game, which was actually fun but nah i didn't manage to get out of the rat race ): And I didn't manage to pay my mortgage debt of $120000 hahahahhaha. But it was really quite fun, just that after a while it was quite boring /: how can one play a board game for 3 whole hours oh gosh. But yup it wasn't so bad and I did have a fair share of fun! Then there was CCA, and it felt so good to see them. Not all of us were present though, just the cast of One Dies Again and The Dollhouse. To be honest I'm super scared for Wednesday that I'm actually preventing myself from thinking about it but..yeah. But practice was good and it took my mind off some things :) Trained home with Kaili, Jamie and Marcus, and alighted at Tampines with Marcus. Sat at one of the seats to talk for a while, before bussing home :) Then watched my drama.

Today - Skipped drama lesson because I didn't memorize anything and there wasn't any point in going so yep, stayed home and watched TTBY. Finished it, felt so sad after it ended because it was such a great drama ))))))): This is exactly what happens after I finish watching a full drama. Then I ate and ate and ate while watching Youtube videos and then I went to sleep :) Had dinner, and now I'm here ☺

dreamcatcher bought from Kampong Glam :)

hehe okay bye! Have a good Saturday night and a good Sunday :) and go watch TTBY okay go go go! Watch Paradise Ranch too, it's way too cute ;)