Sunday 25 November 2012

Boy you fill my head with pieces of a song I can't get out of my head.


 So on Friday, after watching my drama and using the computer, I went to the toilet and when I THOUGHT I heard Jerald's voice, but then again on another hand I highly doubted it since.. I mean like, there was a 98% chance that I was simply hallucinating. So I went out.... and I saw alicia and jerald right in front of me. Holy cowboy I had to blink a few times just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. They ended up staying for dinner again, and its sorta decided that my dear alicia will be staying over next week after my drama exam! :)

on Saturday, my aunt, mum and 2 brothers headed to Chijmes Lei Garden Restaurant to have dim sum for lunch!!!! LOL I love dim sum a looooootttt hahahahaha :) And the interior of the restaurant was like some hotel and the service and food was 5 stars! Delishhhhh :))) i felt so contented afterwards hehe. Then we went to bras basah to walk around and get a new skirt even though i didn't need it LOLOL

that aside, then we went to the national library to catch "Hansel and Gretel" the pandemonium. S'pore's pandemoniums are greaaat and funtastic and funny and yeah amazing hehe! They never fail to make me excited right before the start and make me a happy girl at the end of the day :) And the best thing about this one was that they actually really gave out food lololol. Perks of sitting at the first few rows ;) They gave out mostly s'pore desserts and even marks and spencer chocolates!!

hmm so after it ended it was dinner time but we had to go home to have dinner with my dad before he went overseas. Sooo we grabbed ice-creaaaaammmm and ohgosh it was probably one of the best ice-cream I ever tasted. There were so many flavours available and it was so hard to choose, especially since I'm so indecisive! :p
 Yupyup then we went home and my mum and i stopped over at Tampines because I wanted to get the pullover hoodie that I saw the other day...... but it wasn't for sale and the other one i saw was for men. ):

as for yesterday and today, i woke up with a terrible sore throat and i hope it goes away soon ): Just crossing my fingers and hoping it doesn't get worse. My exam's tomorrow and i went for lesson yesterday and just now so i think i'm probably quite ready? hehe wish me luck!!