Thursday 29 November 2012

Keep your head in the clouds, and your heart in the right place.

hellllooo I'm typing this with a horrible sore-throat and the red bump in my eye isn't going away either and I'm feeling quite horrible at the moment ): anyway, yesterday was a good day although it was really tiring and I totally collapsed at the end of it but whatever back to the pointtt.

So back to yesterday, I woke up at 10:30am even though I had to meet marcus at 12pm and sooo I was late as expected. However, I would like to emphasize that I wasn't 40 minutes late, I was only half an hour late!! Besides, everytime I'm early they're always late. We had subway and talked and talked and I have no idea why but he has a new fetish for the word "pervert" and he uses it to insult whatever I say even if there's no link. He spilled his drink and I laughed like mad because it was super stupid hahah :)

Trained to Orchard to pick berries for our pokemon potion even though he wanted to take the bus there ^^ Got forced to change into the new tote bag he drew for me after buying it a month ago, even though I didn't want to at first. When we reached Orchard, we headed to F21 to visit my personal walk-in closet located right in the heart of the city ;) HAHA. Quoting Marcus, "She hopped around, I crawled along." HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I laughed when I saw this hehe. He started acting like some fashion designer all around the place pfffft. Its really funny how the women's section is sooo huge and the men's section is like one tiny little corner shop hahahahaha, the large contrast :p Then we walked to uniqlo because he wanted to show me the pullover hoodies there. I desperately want one that I can wear out or to sleep! But all those that we saw were too thick ): Tried on some of them though!! And after that till we reached the new H&M, but I still prefer the one at somerset!!! We spent quite long looking at the clothes @ the men's section because he likes H&M clothes so yup. Actually come to think of it guys have really nice clothes too, but I still prefer guys who dress simply :) Like, not so "flashy" and bright. Oh and we kept seeing lots of clothes that looked like what B Niu wore hehe!

Hmm then we grew bored of walking around so we started looking out for handsome guys! HEHEHEH. Actually you know, there are actually lots of good looking guys in the men's section itself... hehs. We saw one guy there, who kept appearing in front of us even at Topman next to A&F!! (Marcus we didn't stalk him omg!!! we didn't!!) 

Then we headed over to Topman :) Saw the guy we saw earlier, and this time he was with a super duper handsome friend. Actually both of them looked really good and yup. But I didn't stare, all I did was look and then tell Marcus my opinion. I think I sound really desperate now but no no no, I'm really not as bad as you may think because I only do this when I'm with marcus LOL.

and window shopping sucks like mad!!!!!!! It makes me feel really sad after seeing all the pretty clothes that I know I would love to have in my own wardrobe ): So after walking and talking and looking thru the clothes, we walked over to A&F next door. Took polaroids with the model who was super handsome I swear!!!!!! And he looks like Niga Higa :) This time I didn't run out immediately, I actually remembered to go in and walk around heheheh. But I looked super toot and weird in the first polaroid so I wanted to take another one :') AND I made a deal with Marcus that I would keep it! But the moment we went out he tricked me and said he only wanted to see it, but in reality he wanted to take it away >:( but thankfully he was dealing with miss smarty pants so yup ;)

Walked to Cineleisure because he wanted to buy bff, but I was still having my sore throat (and am still having it) so I bought my froyo! :) and before that i ate ice-cream too omg I'm such a..... fatty. Went to the other H&M after thaat (HIP HIP HOORAY) and I spotted a blouse I really wanted plus it was on offer!! The bad thing was that I didn't have money for that either ): therefore, I'm going back on Saturday with my mum! ^^ Walked to Taka and sat there for a while because we were reaaaaaaalllllly super tired and my legs were aching. When we went out and stood somewhere at the entrance, we saw B NIU!!!! Actually marcus was the one who saw him and he told me but I didn't believe him because he kept talking about him the whole day so obviously I thought he was lying!! Besides I didn't see his face cos he was back facing me talking to his mum and dad. In the end, we chased B Niu to ion, and we kept quarreling otw because none of us dared to ask for a picture. His mum noticed us  and she keept turning back to look HAHA sorry ): Didn't manage to take a picture in the end and so somebody was angry with me and kept telling me to reflect on herself. Marcus was so disappointed in me and kept telling me not to talk to him and that he wasn't gnna talk to me for the rest of the day but IT WAS HIS FAULT TOO.

And that was why we ended up being late for eds batch meeting. There wasn't any air con in the burger king outlet @ Bugis and both of us were panting madly because the whole time we were over taking each other /: totally regretted running after i realized that there wasn't any air con.

then yup! I reached home at about 9pm so I could still watch it takes too :D anyway yay I just finished one episode of my drama hehe yay! Math tuition tmr, and my cousin's coming over to staaayyyy :)

this could have been a really nice picture but someone didn't want to co-operate with the photographer -_-

at H&M.

with the big friendly santa @ paragon HEHE. There were 3 of them and I picked him because he looked the nicest and the most grandpa like :)

that's alll! This post has been super wordy omg hahaha ok byeee!!! Have a good weekend ahead :)