Thursday 6 December 2012

blessed and loved.

Hello! Time passes so fast, it's already the last month of the year! Can you believe it? And there I was at the beginning of the year complaining about how I missed the holidays and what not. 

Anyway, the past few days have been fabulous and great :) Most of it was spent with my cousin though, because she finally came over to stay! Headed to NEX last Friday to meet her, Jerald and my aunt and we were originally supposed to watch breaking dawn together but somehow after the boys went for their lesson, all of us trained down to orchard. Spent 2 hours there walking around, buying bubble tea and having a late lunch......when we could've done so at NEX. 
then my mum brought my brother home and I had dinner with my aunt, uncle, Jerald and Alicia @ Sg Post, yaaayy. They gave Alicia and I a ride home after that & we lazed the night away. Stayed up to watch running man and talked before sleeping :)

The next day was once again spent doing absolutely nothing at all, but it was really nice to have her around. You know the kind of feeling you get with people you really enjoy being with? You don't even have to do anything large-scale with him/her and yet you feel happy :) Had a huge fight with my brother though.. ): But things were cleared up after that so yup! Then because she couldn't sleep and didn't want to sleep so soon, we ended up talking and then played dress up in my room omg HAHA. It was like back then when we were little kids ☺

Sunday was spent in town and my mum bought me new clothes :') Really felt bad then and I kept telling her I didn't need it because I honestly thought it was really expensive.... plus, she didn't get anything for herself even though I knew she liked some of the pieces she picked. After dinner, Alicia went back with Jerald, my aunt, and my uncle. Reached home, and my brothers and I stayed up again which made my mum mad at us x: 

and on Monday, I trained to ICA to get my passport with my mum before meeting marcus to watch ABTM. Didn't really enjoy it though ): I guess its more for boys but I really didn't laugh as much as I thought I would. Nonetheless, it definitely wasn't a waste of my money :D

In actual fact I saved this as my draft on Tuesday but somehow the pictures didn't load and its because my picasa account has no memory left. Wts I didn't even know it was linked to blogger ):
alright shall blog about the eds chalet this weekend!!