Sunday 9 December 2012


HI! This blog post will be about the eds chalet (4/12 to 6/12) and I'm just typing everything out before I upload the pictures and all, because I'm not using my computer now and I'm reaaaally lazy. So when this post is finally up, it'll be a few days late, HAHA. I have no idea how Marcus managed to blog about the whole staycation in one post omg. ANYWAY, -> ; read his blog post because it's definitely more detailed! Hehe.


so..... where to begin????
  1/ kennedy and ziyi. 2/ me and clarence ♥ 3/ yifeng and marcus, with marcus looking like a foreigner going to bintan 4/ marcus and I, with me looking awk ):

Met up with Marcus and Kennedy at Whitesands before meeting Clarence, Yifeng and Ziyi at Eastpoint to have bfast at banquet before buying supplies from Daiso, and food from NTUC. Everyone kept looking at us because we made quite a lot of noise, especially the smallest sized one! He's like a loudspeaker alone and Marcus had to cover his mouth more than once hahahaha!

Saw Stella and St. John peeps otw to tanah merah!

Ended up like hobos at the taxi stand outside the station because we had to wait for a full 50 minutes before the shuttle bus came, wts!!! (but we took pictures and talked and ate so it wasn't so bad hehe)

ziyi lookin good!! he's always camera ready >:(

 So apparently the chalet was at the place where my family and cousins went to last year!! Omg I totally didn't expect that because the place is soooo atas! And so we pretended to be tourists from Pakistan hahahahhaa. We were like, "Aiya, c'mon our homes in Pakistan so much bigger!! Come come don't walk so slowly, nothing to see!" LOL! And we couldn't find our chalet at first because there were so many!
(at this point of time blogger's failing on me, i swear if this doesn't post or something.....)

So quite a few peeps were there already and all I did was mostly eat the brownies vann brought because they were so goooooddd, I wish I had a plate of 'em in front of me now ): Watched them play cheat and taiti, and we all learnt how to check who stalked us on Fb! Went out to the pool but it started raining so we watched Vann and Trix swim and made Ziyi and Junde join them even though they kept refusing!  

Pretended to play mahjong cos none of us knew how to play before Ziyi/Yongzi taught us hahaha!! Acted like rich taitais and those gambling kings in the hongkong drama LOLOL!!

For dinner, we had the instant noodles we bought earlier and I shared with Clarence :) Took pics, hung around at the kitchen counter and talked, before Marcus, Clarence and Kennedy decided to go swim! Bathed at the public toilet with Yongzi because the toilet there is so high class and better than the 2 toilets we had at the chalet itself. There was this super weird guy who looked like a girl and yet not quite a girl who was roaming around the bathing stalls ): He's a cleaner but he kept whistling and he's super weird omg!!! The guys went into the steam bath after their super oily swim, and biebzxc and I headed back to watch tv :)

Played mahjong again and I really like playing it ok, now I totally understand when people say "手痒" HAHA.

When the national anthem started playing on tv, we all pretended it was flag raising ceremony! There were 2 AA flag bearers (jundy and marcus) and Teng was the SC in charge!
Talked at the kitchen counter and ate more noodles and drank more sweet drinks. Then those who had sleeping bags arranged them on the first floor and some of us used the blankets and pillows from the 2nd floor. Yifeng and Junde number 2 already slept waaayyyy earlier and the rest of us were exhausted but ended up gossiping and talking till like about 3 or 4am! I tried to sleep but I couldn't ): Only dozed off for a while before I woke up upon hearing some drunktard outside scream. -_-

Jundy concentrating hard at mahjong!!

Joined Marcus, Bieberzxc, Kennedy and Phuan at the kitchen, washed up and ate cookies/noodles.
Phuan & Kennedy went back to sleep soon and Marcus went to sleep at the chair and eventually I fell asleep after joining 2 kitchen chairs to form a bed. No idea what happened to Yongzi tho, because I fell asleep way before her :)

    DAY 2

starting off day 2's part with.....

For day 2, the chalet was super crowded!! Fiona, Heather and Ziqin joined us, and the seniors came later on :D Heather and Ziqin went home early on day 1 so they didn't sleep over ):

some of us played mahjong and the rest of us played taiti and cheat. My cheat not bad ok!! HAHA and Teng's super cute, she doesn't cheat while playing... at all. Hehehe. Then we headed off to the cafe to have breakfast, while biebzxc and fiona went to swim. The food was MSG filled, plus we had to wait close to 30 minutes it!! Oh AND the guy who cooked had some major attitude problem ok grr.

After eating, Kennedy, Clarence, Marcus and I went back to bath because we couldn't take it LOL. Then we went to play mahjong until the rest came back. After that, when everyone was back, we played murderer and cheat while waiting for the lovely seniors!!!

omg it was so great when all of them came, I really missed them so much!
Played mahjong with them and I'm not bad la ok! HAHA I helped kennedy win once! -pats back-
And Suli looked like those typical rich taitais playing can! Then the year3s discussed the money issue in the room upstairs and then settled it with the juniors and seniors afterwards. Trixx and Vann were at the kitchen counter and they looked like cashiers hahahahaha! Ohyes more juniors came for the bbq so yup the whole chalet was super crowded!

For the bbq, the eds guys were in charge of setting up the pit but the fire kept extinguishing. Watched them break the charcoal and all, and their hands were super black HAHA!
However, Clarence Yeo saved the day and the amber lit up and there was finally a fire :) 

omg lol jundy looks like the crocodile on his shirt!!

(AND GUESS WHO I SAW!! I saw Chantel, who was staying at the chalet right next to ours)

When night time came, there were tons of lizards, I swear!!!!!!!! It was really crazy ok, there were like 6-7 of them???!!! Not gnna upload the pictures of the lizards but go see Marcus' fb album la k! HAHA, he has like 600 plus photos there O:

The 2 crazy girls - Deanna and Estella were hopping and jumping around and singing like mad the whole time! And all of us camwhored and Teng was being the main photographer for the day, and she kept going up close to take pictures of the lizards! we bbq-ed till about 8 plus and Marcus, Kennedy, Clarence, Kaili and I cleared up. Marcus went to fetch Jiaqi and Amy from Tanah merah and took a cab down with Kaili since she had to go home. Kennedy, Clarence and I originally wanted to look for Marcus but we ended up going for a night walk around the area :)
Waited for Marcus to come back then we could go bathe at the pool toilet, but it was locked already. So Kennedy, marcus, Clarence, Ziyi, Cindy and I made a trip there with our towels and all for nothing ): Bathed at the toilet in the chalet and I took a good 30 min plus hhehe. Marcus was the last one to bathe, and we were in the bed room with prank calling people like Weilee, Vlow and Joelle! The lyric prank calling was the best hahahaha, their reactions were so funny!

After Marcus came out of the shower, everyone huddled together to watch Sinister and Weixuan kept spoiling the movie because he was reading the synopsis from his itouch. It was scary for me, but Ziyi was just poker face the whole time HAHA. Played mahjong for a while then headed to sleep because I was exhausted.

    DAY 3

Woke up at 8 plus and I felt so good because I actually slept through the night. Took pictures and polaroids with the seniors and batch. Just like that, 3 days fleeewww by.
Fiona and Yongzi headed back early though ): Then the rest of us headed to tanah merah and trained to Tampines for bfast at the kopitiam. Bought our drinks from cold storage and Marcus spilled one carton of apple juice, HAHAHA. 

went to the arcade for a while and watched ziyi beat the highscore before bussing home. Saw my baby photos and while looking thru my nursery and kindergarten ones, I realized someone was my classmate for a few years!!

Yup, thats about it!! Omg can't believe I finished this post :') It was definitely one of the best 3 days spent with the people I love ;) Shall blog about Norwati/Norwaki, Breaking Dawn, Pitch Perf and my cousins sooooon. Bye!