Friday 14 December 2012

less > more

pictures taken last Sunday while doing the CIP at CCSS :) We saw Cindy on Sunday too! Hmm we went there during November to pack the books into respective sections, and last weekend was meant for families to choose the books they wanted/needed. Each batch was given about 20 minutes to get as many books as they needed before a loud siren was sounded to signify that they had to leave. Kennedy called these batches of people "waves" and we cleared about 8 waves in the morning shift itself!!

It was a pretty cool experience and I felt like those sales people at Popular HAHA. But some of the parents were reaaally hard to serve ): They couldn't take "no" for an answer and they kept demanding for newer books etcetc. And some parents who didn't believe us ended up queuing all over again just to come back for the next few rounds! Clarence was the best though, he was super straightforward and told them "For the remaining books, you should buy a new one because most of them are already used. Or else, you can try looking for them yourself."

Anyway, that aside, I made new friends hehehe! People like NOWATI, Gengwei and Jiawei :) Nowati is super cool and funny, he's like the manager/person in charge of us and he keeps bullying his friend, haahha! Like, he'd purposely make fun of him and make him do all the heavy work and tease him afterwards. Plus, Nowati's actions are really funny and stupid LOL! Also, some of the CCSS students were friendly and really easy to get along with but there were some who I thought were pretty scary ): Its kinda sad to know that there won't be anymore trips down there to make but overall I thought it was really nice to help others and feel the sense of achievement after helping nice families get the books they needed :)

after the CIP ended on Sunday, Marcus, kennedy and I had dinner together at Eighteen Chefs and talked and ate and watched Kennedy feed his ez link card HAHA. Walked around & sat outside Eastpoint for 45 minutes or so watching Marcus sing and basically just talking before bussing home together :')

Breaking dawn with Alicia on Monday! :) Omg we finally managed to watch it after agesss of planning to do so and it was soo gooooddd! Felt a little sad after that because it was really over and there wouldn't be anymore twilight saga to look forward to next year. I wouldn't mind watching it again tbh!

then the both of us met up with my granny, Ruiting and Rui en yay! Rui En was going on and on about her ears that she just pierced so we went to choose a new pair of earrings for her together :) And that little girl was hugging me tightly & holding my hand the whole time, I really really really missed her so much :') and because our darling Ruiting is so short, Alicia and I were making fun of her the whole time ;) met up with my aunt who came from my home, and we had dinner together :)
Then Ruiting, alicia and I took neoprints together YAY!

Realized that Jerald was staying over till Wednesday, so there was the last minute plan for me to stay at my aunt's house. Trained all the way to YCK and I think I saw Lixuan at Paya Lebar but I'm not really sure bc I wasn't wearing my specs so all I could see was someone waving at me on the escalator heh. 
Reached their home, and the thing I love about my aunt's house is that it's cosy, and my aunt doesn't mind us staying up and snacking late at night ;) Bathed at 2 am and slept at 4:30am after staying up to talk :)


Woke up at 12:30 pm and went to bathe before my aunt came home from work. She worked half day and we slept through the whole time she was working! :p then she brought us to have Jap lunch and they were having a lunch offer. For the first time in ages, I felt like my stomach was about to explode from all the food, no joke! The 3 of us just sat at the table and stared at our meals, and when I saw the dessert, I actually really wanted to just refuse it T_T (and I don't usually refuse dessert!)

Headed to Somerset after that, and the whole journey there, my aunt was talking about what things were like when she, my mum and the rest of my aunts were younger. It was funny listening to her because my aunt is extremely cute hehe. While leaving the restaurant earlier, she was talking so much that she just crossed the road without even noticing a car that was so close to us at that moment and THANKFULLY I PULLED HER TO THE OTHER SIDE IN TIME ;) HEH.

anywaaayyyysss both Alicia and me got ourselves 2 new books before we walked to NAC. Otw there, my aunt got us ice-cream, which we happily finished under the hot sun. We ended up sitting on the steps outside for close to an hour listening to her ramble on and on about the good old days hahaha. And she kept teaching us lots of things that made us laugh non-stop hehe! Hmm then we continued walking and talking and listening to her annnndddd who knows for what reason, but after dinner at Ion, Alicia got so high she started doing the "muahahahhaha" laugh non-stop omg ew! HAHA she kept doing so all the way home tsk!

Got home at 9pm just in time for duiduipeng YAY! The 2 of us remained dirty fellas until 2am when we finally decided to bathe. And at 3am...... we started to paint our nails. My aunt was super tired so she just went to sleep first and so the 2 of us were left in the living room, sprawled on the floor in an attempt to beautify our nails LOL.
Btw I suck at painting nails and the last time I did so was like super long ago??!

Blasted Taylor Swift's Red album and by the time we went to sleep, it was 6am. Seriously I stayed up till 6am! Might as well don't sleep! When my aunt came out of her room at 5:30am, she was just like "HUH 你们还没有睡啊!" The best thing was that Alicia redid her nails so many times it was so amusing to watch! She switched from "neon" to "colourful" to "black" to "glitter" all within the 3 hours. Well done girl!


woke up at 1:25pm and by that time, my aunt was already home from work /:

stayed home with my aunt and Alicia for a while and watched tv before going to T1 to meet my mum, bro and Jerald :) Had dessert which I couldn't resist, then followed them to Guardian where Alicia started trying on eyeshadow HAHAHHAHAA. Stood beside her and helped her occasionally, and most of the time I was just laughing at her hehe :)

headed home for dinner with my mum and brother and yup! That's about it ^^