Wednesday 19 December 2012


hello! Just thought I'd do a post on the past 2 days before I forget / procrastinate further. I already can't remember what I did so that's how bad my memory is heh.

headed to town with my mum to meet my granny and 3 of my aunts :) Ruiting, Rui En, Alicia and Jerald were there too!! Was super tired when I reached home... it was about 11:30pm and my legs were aching from all the standing + walking about. Nonetheless, I was reeaaally happy because of the new clothes and shoes I got! hehe.

So we walked around quite a bit while waiting for my granny and the 2 sisters to reach, before they went to eat with my aunts. Mum brought Alicia and I to F21 first :)

thought we'd only spent about an hour there but just when we were about to leave, my aunts and granny and cousins all came back from their lunch so we ended up staying in there for the next 2 hours omg .____. I was legit dying in there hahahha. And it wasn't the only shop that we spent ages in. Shopping with my aunts is seriously no joke, they spend AGES in one single shop. This kept happening for every single shop that we visited in ION. Plus, my mum and aunts originally planned on heading to Somerset but obviously it didn't work out at the rate they were going. The time they spent in Zara was close to 3 hours???!?!! -faints-

Eventually Ruiting, Alicia and I just stood outside TCC and talked and roamed around by ourselves hahaha. But really, everywhere is having huge sales hehe! The word "SALE" was pretty much on every single shop's entrance YAY. (especially h&m!!!!)

and basically I ate so much, I felt so awfully fat and unhealthy when I got home. But it was all because of the fact that my aunts were all waayy too nice. 2 of them kept insisting on treating us to food and drinks.... and it was hard to say no :b The other one kept buying snacks to eat on the way so it was equally bad too.

however, I left my wallet in the cab last night, so the next morning when I was about to leave the house to meet Marcus and Kennedy, I ended up getting a huge scolding from my mum when I couldn't find it anywhere. ): Anyway thankfully the taxi driver was kind enough to leave it at the police station!! So grateful, really! :')

ok I really can't remember much about Monday 'cept that I was super tired and we ate a lot and laughed a lot and talked a lot hahaha. It's really fun going out with my ahyis because all of them are so nice and funny in their own ways and all of us managed to buy things we liked so the day ended off on a really good notee. Besides, I missed my cousins and granny so it was really nice that we spent the whole day together :)

and now for the pictures with both Alicia and Ruiting ♥ ☺

love them so much x


Yesterday was spent with Marcus and Kennedy so it was another good day hehe!!

Woke up at 8am because I didn't want to be late, but I missed my bus just as I was walking to the bus stop. Coincidentally saw Marcus on the bus as it was driving away, and that stupid guy kept doing the "orhor" thing from inside HAHA. But I wasn't late ;)

guess who was the latest??? Kennedy again!!
Both marcus and me ended up sitting at the seats while waiting for him to come out of the skytrain but we waited for 30 minutes+ haha. When he finally came, we realized he walked around T3 before that LOL. And the most ironic thing was that he was the one who decided where to meet.

walked around the airport for like an hour before settling at Carl's Jr to study and have lunch. The burger was way too big for me to finish so Marcus had to help me finish it. But he didn't like tartar sauce so for everything that he offered to eat, we had to use the fries to wipe the sauce away! Sat there and studied all the way until about 445pm before we walked around and went to fetch my dad at the arrival hall. Then sat outside cheers with the 2 of them while waiting for my dad to go the office before heading home :)

Alright, shall end off here and go back to my book :) Bye!