Thursday 20 December 2012

If you get lost, know that you can always be found

hi thereee I felt like blogging again HAHA. Sooooo I headed out with Marcus and Kennedy today again! Set my alarm to go off at 8am but I ended up putting my phone to silent mode and so I overslept... -__-

waited at the bus stop for a full 20 minutes before it came, and the 2 aunties in front of me refused to move to the side, so I was stuck in an awkward position the whole time ugh. Studied at Carl's Jr again, ate, and then went for a walk around the airport before we settled to watch the planes go by :) 

Then we had dinner, before bussing home. And the whole time from dinner to the time I got down the bus, we kept talking about what we would do if the world really ended tomorrow. 

and so, since I only have my helper with me at home since my mum, aunt, and 2 brothers are in Japan, and my dad's in Korea, Marcus has to come fetch me and my helper with his parents, ahma and sister, then we'll go to the airport to meet kennedy's family! HAHHA

(no but really if the world really ends tomorrow this is the plan okay?)

To be honest after the shooting spree in Connecticut, I feel that I've not cherished certain people enough. So today, before my dad left for his flight, I hugged him and kissed him, and told him that I loved him so very much. I told them my mum, aunt, and 2 brothers that I missed them and I loved them too. I think it's a little late that I came to realize this, but I haven't told my family that I loved them since ages ago. I don't show it enough, I think.


I still don't believe the world's gnna end and in fact I really think it isn't gnna happen at all so people should just stop talking about it! But if it was true I think I would die with so many regrets, I haven't even had a firsthand experience at too many things!

hahah okay i shall end here, I think I sound so emotionally unstable throughout this post lol! see you all tomorrow, 21 December 2012 ;) BYE!