Monday 24 December 2012


HELLO!!! FIRST AND FOREMOST, HERE'S WISHING EVERYONE A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS! ☺ ☺ ♡ I hope Santa doesn't miss you out on his good children for the year list, and that you get loads of nice presents from people around you!

hehe I don't know why I'm so excited either, considering that my family doesn't celebrate Christmas anymore. Besides, it's only gnna be my dad, helper and me at home, so it isn't going to be a really fun day for me ): I can already picture myself watching running man for the rest of the day instead sigh. So if anyone's willing to shaaareee, please save some cake and gingerbread men for me! I love log cakes heh heh.

Oh yes, speaking of Christmas, I went over to Xuanzhu's house on Sunday for the xmas celebration with Yifeng, Yixian and Yvonne! Met Yifeng first, then we trained to NEX and waited for Yvonne. Had Soghurt and he helped me get another soghurt stamp so I'm one step closer to getting the $2 discount hahaha ;) then we walked around because Yvonne was gnna be late and both of us forgot how to go to Xuanzhu's house. By the way, both of us are extremely bad at directions HHAHAHA. I never thought I'd meet someone like me LOL!

So when Yvonne finally called, Yifeng went to meet her first because I was stuck at diva. They were having a sale AGAIN and I thought I was in heaven then because of all the pretty things that were at a much lower price as compared to the original price. Picked out so many things but eventually I decided not to spend so much so eventually I only bought a bracelet, necklace and a pair of earrings hehe. Yvonne got her stuffs too, and by then Yixian and Yifeng were waiting for us outside hahaha. Yixian went to buy his present first because he forgot all about it so technically we were late partly because of him!

slacked in her room until about 6plus, when we decided to head to head to the mall outside her home for dinner. Wanted to catch a movie after that but all the movies weren't nice ): so we bussed to NEX again and just walked around aimlessly HAHA.

By the way the puppies we saw were sooooo adorable, especially the yorkie I managed to pet. The poor thing was so tiny and it was trembling )): I wanted so much to just sit down and hold it in my arms ):

Headed to Diva again and I bought another pair of earrings hehe. This time, Xuanzhu managed to get what she wanted so yup! Yvonne went off to meet her parents sometime in between, whileYifeng and Yixian went off by themselves and bought their things. We eventually we settled at Starbucks and shared a drink because none of us wanted to buy a full one LOL

Yup then I trained home with Yifeng and by the time I reached home my eyelids were about to close. Okay I guess that's how my day went! 

Apart from going out, I think my sole purpose in waking up every morning is to eat, watch running man, watch my dramas, read my book, eat somemore and just lie on my bed again.