Saturday 29 December 2012


And when I grow to be a poppy in the graveyard
I will send you all my love upon the breeze
And if the breeze won't blow your way, I will be the sun
And if the sun won't shine your way, I will be the rain
And if the rain won't wash away all your aches and pains
I will find some other way to tell you you're okay

You were a sight all on your own, like a fresh red rose in the middle of a shallow graveyard. You would take her breath away each time the two of you met, because, you were that beautiful, that stunning, and that extraordinary. She could spend all day dancing with you, or simply lying next to you in a field of golden daffodils as they fluttered and danced in the breeze. All the birds would sing your graciousness, and the Sun himself would hide behind your beam of light. Your eyes were windows to your soul, except that they were made of pure emerald and in them, she found a place of solace, and a place where she could sit in peace and calamity. Looking into them was like running through a fresh forest with the wind caressing her body, for your eyes were such wild green that could only be found in nature.

Needless to say, she loved you more than you loved her, and it was obvious to anybody, even a stranger could see. She was beautiful too; her body was firm and well-proportioned, stomach flat, legs slim. She had inherited her mother's high cheekbones, smooth skin and blond hair that curled at the right parts, but her best feature was her own. She had eyes like ocean waves that washed upon the sands with such powerful grace, her long eyelashes emphasizing their beauty more than anything else did. However, standing beside you, she always felt pale in comparison and she had almost grown fond of shoving the skeletons out and caving herself in the dusty closet at the corner. It was almost as if she always made you feel better about yourself, while you, on the other hand, forgot her almost as easily as you breathed.

But, she didn't mind being forgotten, just as long as she could still love you the way she did. Her love was so powerful, you could tie her up and place her on a train track with a moving train coming towards at lightning fast speed, and she wouldn't even try to escape, as long as she knew she was doing it for you. When they asked her where she wanted to go, her mouth would form a playful smile, almost as if it was a secret the two of you shared. She would then tell them you were her destination and that she wanted to be next to you.

She could call you on the phone just to whisper I love you, and you would hang up on her, telling her she was ridiculous and childish, when all she wanted was to know that you hadn't completely forgotten yet. 

And then maybe, one day you would call, and she would pick the phone up with trembling hands, wondering if, perhaps, the boy she had loved with every ounce of her being finally loved her the way he did before.

It would go like this:

hey I
I can't believe you're calling, I
No I
I mean, I missed you so mu
Listen, I need to tell you
Is it busy at the office?
It's fine, there's something
See I know I th

Your words would suddenly sink in, and she would clutch the phone tightly to her ear, her heart palpitating so quickly as she tries to slow it down. All at once, almost too suddenly, she is dropped into an abyss with no way out. From the other end, you know she is hurting but you clear your throat and place your palms flat on the table before puffing up your chest, as if to spit something out. Then your ribs would collapse again, and there would be a long silence from the other end. At that moment, you know if you were to press your ear against the receiver and listen close enough, you would hear the sound of her heart breaking.

Finally, you lick your upper lips, a habit that has stuck with you over the years each you come to a firm decision. Taking a deep breath and breaking the silence, you say,

Let's not see each other anymore
That's... that's sudden I
we can't do this anym
Stop I, I
You don't have to say anyth
Is it me? I can cha
No it 
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have don
It's isn't your probl
What do you mean? It's all because of m

I don't love you anymore

But I still do