Monday 31 December 2012


(I typed this whole post out on 31/12/12 so it was still 2012 then)

so 2012's coming to an end, and I think it's been a really good year although it's crazy how time really flew by! Actually it seems to me that each year after the previous one goes by even faster, but that's not the point. This year has definitely been one that I'd be willing to relive, and I really wnna thank the people who've always been there for me through good times or bad. In addition, I've made new friends and met new people in 2012, and I'm glad I did :)

alright, I'm starting this post off with some pictures taken with some of the most important people in my life, as well as some short messages to thank them for being part of the joy this year!  
(you can just skip all the way down if you're lazy to read all these tho! hehe)

These 3 people mean the world to me, along with my family :-) I've known Clarence since primary school, and Marcus and Kennedy since year 1. However, despite only getting to know one another better in 2010, I feel like I've known them since forever and honestly, I can't wait to make more memories with all of them in the years to come!
 w/clarence ♡

 w/kennedy ♡
w/marcus ♡

Hello guys, I think the NY texts that y'all received from me were already lengthy enough so if I were to retype everything here it would be rather naggy and what not. Besides, I think whatever I want to say to y'all are rather personal and private, but all in all, thank you for staying by me all this while, and I really love y'all so much! This year wouldn't have been as enjoyable and easy if it weren't for the 3 of you, so here's to another year and more memories made! :-) x

hi trinaa ♡ this is a reason why we need to have a picture together! But before you call me up to scold me for putting this picture up, listen! I think you look really cute in it! Like it's almost your typical face when you go "Pfft who cares" ;-) Anyhow, thank you bestie for always sticking by me through thick and thin. Really, I honestly wish there was a better way to thank you for being my friend and keeping our friendship going despite the fact that we aren't in the same class anymore. You've been a wonderful best friend, and I can't finish listing all the times you've stood by me and comforted me and just made me feel better in an instant. For all the phonecalls, laughter, and for the times you gave me the courage to make the right decisions, here's a huge thank you :') I know you hate cheesiness but although there may be loads of other fish in the ocean, you're the only tunafish that outshines them all. ♡ Here's to a good 2013 and I hope that all you'll achieve all your goals okay!!


Hey babe!!! ♡ I really wnna thank you for coming into my life, it's been a joy having you as part of it, and I look forward to the mornings where you'd call my name the moment you see me walk past your class. I love those short conversations we have before flag-raising, where I'd usually complain about how tired I am and how much I just want to go back to sleep hehe! We always have so much fun together, like when we randomly start annoying each other or linking arms and singing on the road. Also, during cca, you're always there for me and it's like, you know when I'm upset and when I'm not. Thank you for always being there and it's really amazing to know that despite only getting to know you better this year, we're already so close! I think you're really pretty and lovely and nice and funny, and basically I love you so much!!!! Here's to a good 2013 and a stronger friendship ahead :-) ♡ ♡ ♡

Hi Miss Ng! I'm not going to acknowledge you as my wife anymore because you keep going around cheating on me hahaha. You should sign up for some loyalty classes in 2013! HAHA jk anyway, thank you for supporting me in my decisions and for making me feel much better about myself when I feel insecure and upset. I looked through the pictures we have together and I realized that we easily have 300 plus photos together, and that's why we shouldn't camwhore so much when we're out! Hehe that aside, I know we've been through hard times this year and made mistakes personally, but despite all that, I hope you're happy now :-) Thank you for all the memories made, and here's to making more in 2013 ♡ ♡ ♡


Hi girlllll, thanks for coming into my life this year, it's been an amazing journey with you around, and your epic moments never fail to make me smile or laugh!! Lessons become more bearable knowing that you're suffering with me hahaha!! you're really cute and lovable so stop feeling insecure about yourself okay!! I know there were times this year when you were prolly at your lowest, but I hope that talking to me during those times helped ♡ I know 2013 will be another great year with you in my life, and also, here's to more joy and happiness in yours. X


Hello Choo!!! I think sitting beside you this year was really one of the best things that happened :-) You're really sweet and funny and most importantly, I love how you always dare to voice out your thoughts on people and I love it when you openly express your love for DB5K and your Jaejoong! I think you're a really cool person, and thank you for cheering me up with pocky when I was down, as well as for the times where you'd give me advice or encourage me to work harder. You're a really huge inspiration in terms of studies and personality wise, I love you!! ♡


Hi loves, I know the 2 of you will see this, so I just want to thank y'all for being there for me when I was really upset and when i needed a break from my problems etc etc. Thank you Alicia for picking up the phone when I really needed a listening ear, and for texting me to cheer me up! We've been through sooo much since we were little girls, and I'm positive that the bond between the 3 of us will never change. I love the 2 of you so much, and every outing spent with y'all never fails to make me really happy at the end of the day. I love how we will always be out with the rest of the aunts and all the other cousins, but out of all 16, we're the closest. Hopefully 2013 will be a better year for both of you, since Ruiting, you keep saying you wnna go back to school! You crazy girl, you never fail to make me laugh at your silly actions and the way you make people's day. And Alicia, I'll always be here for you, so no matter what or whenever you need someone to listen, I'm just a phonecall or text away! 


And when I say "EDS", I don't just mean our batch, I also mean the seniors and juniors, whether from dance or drama. I don't think I've ever made a better decision in DHS other than joining this cca, because right now, it means so much to me than just cca itself. It's a family, and one I know will be there for me when I need them :-) Thank you for all the good experiences not just in 2012, but from 2010 :-) ♡♡♡♡♡♡


my parents, my aunt and my brothers are one of the greatest joys in my life, and I love them so very much!! Thank you for always going to great lengths to make me happy, I know y'all spoil me a lot, and I really really love all of you :') ♡♡♡♡ 
and to both my brothers, thank you for being my companions in life HAHA. But really, despite all the fights and quarrels we have, I'd never trade the 2 of you for any other guys in the world :-) Especially Jinhao, you've changed a lot since the beginning of the year, and now you're more mature, taller, and skinnier! Nonetheless, thank you for always being the protective and caring one, such that I know I can always depend on you :-) i love you so much too, and I want you to know that I'm really grateful to have you in my life.

last but not least, thank you to 3E for being such an enjoyable and lovely class :-) I look forward to stepping into 4E in a few day's time!!
and also, thank you to everyone who has helped me in even the simplest way, even if you made my day with a compliment or a friendly "hi", or made me laugh at jokes, or helped me with my studies, THANK YOU SO MUCH :-) I remember telling myself on 31/12/11 that I wasn't going to type out another long list of "thank you messages" because it was really long-winded, and I recall Marcus calling me to tell me "EH you make it sound like it's the last day on earth!" or something like that, but this year really taught me to be more appreciative of what I have right now. These messages really came from the bottom of my heart and I mean everything I said!

On a side note, I know that I may have drifted from some people, or stopped talking to some altogether, but despite all these, thank you for being part of my year in some way or another :-) If we drifted away, I promise I'll make extra effort to keep our friendship going, and if we stopped talking sometime this year because of any particular reason, I believe you were also part of the happiness at one point of time.

So here's wishing everyone a happy new year and may 2013 be filled with truckloads of love, happiness and blessings :-) x