Monday 7 January 2013

Uncontrolled love

hello! So on Thursday i headed out to the airport again with Marcus, Kennedy and Clarence to finish up our homework. I was the earliest (unexpectedly but ya HAHA) and yet I ended up waiting for super long ): I guess being late is still best when going out with them LOL
walked around for super long before we finally found the place that clarence wanted to bring us to, and we ended up staying there all the way till about 7 plus. The sunset was reaaallly gorgeous :)

(this picture doesn't do any justice because my photography skills sucks but honestly the sky was so beautiful at that moment)

And then on Friday we had unofficial cca which turned out to be a flop because all we did was laze around, do one round of DMP and then switch off the lights of the blackbox and blast music from kennedy's speakers. Then headed off to kampong arang for lunch with Jinrui and the 3 of them before he went back and the 3 of us went to swim at Tampines :)

And then school started today and it was sooooo tiring!!!!! Headed to school with horribly swollen eyes and it seems like the online tips about using cucumbers and chilled metal spoons etc didn't help..... So the whole time I wanted to go back to bed and sleep and I kept looking at the clock in front of the class, sigh. Seriously.... the holidays are gone just like this and we're all back to 10 Tanjong Rhu Road. Nonetheless, on a brighter note, I'm sitting beside Shauna for the rest of the term (or more idk but I hope so!) And adding on, Trina baked muffins in the morning and Loraine gave me her card so I felt much better after that. On the not so good side, I fell asleep during math LOL I couldn't help it /: I know my new year resolution was to stop sleeping in class this year but 2 hours of math was........ HORRIBLE. The relief teacher was talking rubbish for 1hour30minutes and by "rubbish" I really mean it! She was talking to us about dead brain cells and rubbing foreheads and what not. it wasn't until the last half an hour till she actually started the lesson.

Anyway after school ended, we had a last minute cca practice to discuss our orientation play and it was actually productive! *crossing my fingers so hopefully it'll work out* :) And this practice really made me happier about going back to school too so thank you guyssss :)

A'iiteee byebye, just a super short post today. I didn't know what else to say but anyway have a good week ahead!! THINK POSITIVE like what Dr Foo said ;)