Friday 11 January 2013

Paradise - 12km

Hello! this is one of my favourite pictures from tumblr and I think it's really too sweet and kind :') Idk but if anyone ever did this for me I'd be really really touched and I'd just hug that person straight away. It's cute to see things like this happening :)

Anyway, that aside, school has been really exhausting even though only 1 week has passed. Putting me beside the window isn't really helping either, considering how I spend 60% of the time looking at the trees and the moving clouds. I just end up forming shapes out of the clouds and staring at the birds that occasionally land on the roof /: And.......... our math teacher is horrible and I shouldn't start complaining about her because once I do I might not stop sigh.

And I was really bored just now after watching my drama so I decided to look for challenges to do! :) But I didn't want to do any 30 day ones because like Marcus, I would just end up giving up halfway heheheh. Soooo here goessss :)

ok la I should just do day 1 now since I'm online but I'm not going to type out 10 things I want to say to 10 different people LOL

it's too long and I'm too lazy ):

Day 1// 10 things you want to say to 10 different people right now

all in all I just regret certain things and I miss having certain people in my life. It's kinda weird because I never thought I would say that especially after not having them around for quite some time. But first of all there's this one person whom I would really like to talk to again but it probably doesn't even matter to that person, and I think I don't really matter in that person's life anyway so....... /: And then there's a certain friendship I wish I didn't let go of that easily but when I think about it I don't know if it would actually be worth it. I guess I miss the conversations we had and all the nice things we did for each other. 

Yeah that's it! I don't have a lot to say to other people and I doubt whatever I just typed just now was even fulfilling #1 but I really don't have 10 things to say to 10 people!!! And it's too naggy :p

okay my eyelids are about to close anytime now so goodnight & sweet dreams! Thank goodness it's the weekends already :)x