Wednesday 16 January 2013

I was drizzle and she was a hurricane

Day 2// 9 things about yourself
  1. I place great value on feelings when making decisions
  2. I love talking to people :)
  3. I'm blessed 
  4. I like it when people give me hugs and little notes
  5. I like seeing people happy, especially after knowing I was the cause :)
  6. I still watch disney and barbie
  7. I really hate times when I'm sensitive, indecisive or when I let my emotions get the better of me 
  8. I love books, flowers, sleep, and animals 
  9. I have a sweet tooth but although I like things made with chocolate, I hate eating chocolate itself.

I can't stand it when I get sensitive and in fact I hate myself when I let my emotions get the better of me. I feel like I could be a much better person if I tried a little harder sighhhhhh

So anyway today we did the personality test thing during assembly and I thought it was really accurate ☺ I like doing these type of things, I think they're pretty cool :) Ohyes and I think NorLilah isn't that bad after all, although her lessons are really a waste of time since she talks about irrelevant things, I think I'd miss her when Mrs Kong comes back after this term, so...........

Although her name is actually spelt as Nur Lila, I think Nini NorLilah suits her better!

And a while later you added: 'You know, when a person is very, very sad, they like sunsets.'

'And were
you very,
very sad 
the day

But the little prince did not reply

Today wasn't the best day, but it wasn't the worst either. Nonetheless, I'm glad the day has finally ended :) I hope things get better from now on and although I probably never will understand, I guess change is still necessary at the end of the day

Okay, goodnight, I hope you have a lovely week ahead! Mine's definitely gnna be good because shauna's clearing my plates for the rest of the week :)