Saturday 19 January 2013

you are the sea in which I'm floating, and I lose myself in you

Day 3// 8 ways to win your heart

  1. Understanding, decisive, responsible. I'm really indecisive so it would be nice if that someone was able to make plans :) 
  2. Gets along with my friends and family. Haha this is super important I think!!
  3. Short hair (I don't like it when guys keep long messy hair, esp those with a long fringe, hahah)
  4. Funny, friendly, easy to talk to, and preferably an extrovert :)
  5. Tall
  6. Nice shoulders
  7. Nice eyebrows 
  8. Neat, presentable appearance and smells nice (this is important to me LOL)
Yup!!!!! He doesn't need to have abs or a smoking hot body but he has to be a nice person and that's the most important. 

Anyway, despite it being a Saturday, I woke up at 5:15 am this morning and I felt like a walking zombie. Aaaaand I still ended up being late in meeting Kennedy and Marcus at the mrt station. It wasn't really my fault either, I stood at the bus stop waiting for a full 20 minutes before a bus that I could actually take arrived -_-

But cca orientation was a blast though!!! We had to do the performance 4 times altogether, yet each time we had as much fun as the previous round :) And this performance was almost like the embarrassing one we did back in year 1 because the dancers were involved too! But of course this was like 100000x better, can't believe we actually thought we were good back then HAHA.

bombarded the stage and blasted music and just went crazy among ourselves :) Sheryl, Yunxuan and Jundy came back to give their support and they also joined in!! Really miss the seniors, it was so good to have Jundy around again :) Before the 4th performance, Jundy, Yongzi and I were forming our own 3 people choir and we just kept singing along to songs and rapping at some random parts HAHA. It was just super duper fun!!! And after the orientation ended, we all went back to the bb to slack and take polaroids and play arm wrestle while Vann taught some of us how to dance to IGAB ^^

headed off to lunch @ simei w everyone and ended up at kfc because there wasn't any place at eighteen chefs ): Ate and talked and laughed before we said goodbye and went home at around 5 :)

Tiring but great day spent with the people I love :)

The 2 pictures above were taken on Friday after practice!! Oh btw Friday was great too, we had to come up with ideas for eds night and Nayo, Natalie, Natasha, Xiafei and Annah were in my group :) I swear we were like the best group okay!!! (and they all still watch barbie hehe) 

so after cca we wanted to walk to the canteen but somehow got stuck there bc they were jumping over one another and doing weird things haha. So yongzi and I helped to take videos, pictures, and we had a good laugh at whatever they were doing :')

okay bye!!! :)