Friday 25 January 2013


Day 4// 7 things that cross your mind a lot

  1. What time does school end?
  2. When's recess?
  3. What should I eat later?
  4. I'm so tired I need to sleep
  5. What should I wear later?
  6. random daydreams
  7. thoughts of people
HELLO TGIF! I'm so glad I made it to the end of the week because this week was just crazy, with all the homework that started coming in. Anyway, today we had cca auditions for y1s and this year, eds had 176 (about there) applications hehe. The year ones were pretty cute too, they were all so tiny and small hahaha. And some of them remembered yongzi and I from the orientation play! :)

 ^ and that was pretty much a summary of my Friday spent with EDS hehe. Went home with Jamie, Jinghao, Kennedy, Marcus and Clarence, and had dinner with Marcus and Kennedy. Reached home at 9:45pm and I was super tired by then ): My eyelids feel like they weigh a ton now but I don't really feel like sleeping yet so....

I don't really know what else to blog about, apart from the fact that today was a really good day :) It doesn't really need a detailed description because it was just like any other day spent in school, yet there was some sort of special touch added to it :)

In case you were wondering,

In Greek mythology, Alcyone was the daughter of Aeolus, the king of the winds. She married Ceyx,the son of the morning star, who was later killed by Zeus at sea. Upon seeing his body which had been washed closer to shore, Alcyone rushed into the sea with grief and though the waves broke against her, she did not go under. Instead, the sympathetic gods carried her to Ceyx and turned the couple into halcyon birds (kingfishers) so they could be together again.

Since that time, every year, for 7 days before the winter solstice, the waves are quiet and the water is perfectly calm. These days are called halcyon days, for during them, the king of the winds keeps the wind at home- because his daughter, Alcyone, is brooding on her nest upon the sea.

Hence, the expression "halcyon days" is used to mean a time of tranquil happiness.