Friday 8 February 2013

You're my sun, my moon and all my stars

hello I'm baaack! The past 2 weeks were filled with so many things that they were mostly a blur, but I'm glad that I finally have the time to switch on the computer and blog. Each time I wanted to do so I either felt too lazy, or too exhausted.

Anyway, I've been feeling rather happy these days, and the best thing is..... I don't quite know why either ☺ And I can't wait for 14 feb to come too, there are so many things I want to do for the people around me. So here's just bits and pieces of what I remember of the last 2 weeks :)

- I'm sitting beside Li en now
- I screwed up my bio practical
- I realized something really nice
- I found something to work hard towards
- I fell asleep during chinese without Li lao shi knowing which is a great achievement because nothing actually escapes her eyes

Sitting beside Li en is quite fun and I actually rarely use my phone/itouch in class anymore because he has some kind of prejudice against people with twitter/social networking sites. It's like, I can just be scrolling through my timeline and he'll start his whole lecture on how we should all just 管好自己 and mind our own businesses and get a life LOL. But it's still funny sitting with him :)

And bio practical was just a huge huge mess hahaha ):

It was really hard for me and I didn't even know what to do most of the time. The funniest thing was that in our table of 4, all of us didn't know what to do so we all stoned there and stared at the beakers and then at the person opposite us and then we waited and waited and waited for the first person to start his practical.

we caused such a huuuge din in the canteen and i honestly felt very very bad afterwards /:

so we had eds tuanyuanfan on 1 feb!! :) The yusheng comm did a fantastic job hehehe. And it was amazing to have that 3 hours talk with jamie :')

Had my reunion dinner with my family a few days ago because my dad and aunt weren't gnna be in Sg for CNY. The food was really good and I had such a good talk and laughing session with my brother hehe. We just talked about loads of random things and yup I'm really thankful for him ☺ ☺

Day 5// 6 things you wish you'd never done

  1. I wish I was a better granddaughter to my granny before she left for good
  2. I wish I never did all the stupid things i did in 2010 and 2011

yup that's about it. I don't have 6 things that I wish I never did in particular, but those are the top 2 I guess! Especially #1, I regret it so much. 

alright, i guess that's it! happy long weekend and CNY!!!! Goodnight!!