Saturday 16 February 2013

CNY 2013

Hello!!! this week has been a blast, mainly because we had to go to school only on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I would actually look forward to school if we had 4 days of the week off!

Besides, we had celebrations on wednesday so it wasn't a 4:15 day :) went to NEX with kennedy, marcus and clarence after school to have lunch and to settle my craving for soghurt.

CNY Days 1 & 2 were really really fun because I got to spend them with my cousins although Day 1 was pretty awkward. We went to my great-grandma's house and I didn't know 90% of the people there. Plus the place was really tiny and there were so many people and unfamiliar faces so my cousins and i just sat by the door and ate lots of cny goodies ^^

Day 2 was much better because we headed straight to my popo's house!!!! I love seeing my popo, my uncles, my aunts and all my cousins because every meeting with them is always filled with so much laughter :) damien and his girlfriend were there too, and although the place was really crowded, it was really nice to see everyone there!

result of this: yusheng on our hair & on the floor 

& on wednesday we headed to ervin's party! the food was sooo good *_* ruiting had 7 chicken wings in total hahahaha.

and the above pictures were taken on thursday/friday :) wrote letters for lots of people on wednesday and ended up staying up very very late so I felt like a zombie in school the next day o_e nonetheless, thank you to everyone who gave me notes, chocolates or gifts! I really appreciate it ♡

ohyes eds had our potluck on friday, and it was a success! Ms Sherene ordered pizza and the hawaiian one was wiped out in just 5 minutes. I think I was responsible for that too hahaha!

Day 6// 5 people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
  1. parents
  2. brothers
  3. aunt
  4. cousins
  5. friends
I know this^ isn't really 5 people but it's 5 categories of people :')
Day 7// 4 turn offs
  1. vulgarities
  2. when a person doesn't make an effort to look presentable
  3. egoistic and "big-headed" people
  4. insensitivity 
decided to do both days instead hehe. 
hopefully everyone's had a wonderful friendship day/valentine's day, I'm getting really sleepy so goodnight all! take care :) x