Friday 23 November 2012

Some people hurt you with their words, and some hurt you with silence.

Helloo ☺ Yesterday started off great, and I was really happy, something that was lacking in me the whole week. The CIP ended early, so Marcus, Fiona, Clarence and I headed off for lunch at Eastpoint and we talked about our childhood days before going over to see the puppies at the petshop :) Something I love doing everytime hehe. Then we headed back to CCSS thinking there were still books to sort out. We ended up hanging around at the benches talking bout teens in other places and I introduced them to JAVANNAH!! :D told marcus bout them so many times but he doesn't really have any reaction so... ohwellz. Both Jared and Sav are sooo gorgeousssss ;_;

then we played spies! Marcus, Fiona and I started looking for clarence and then started running after him which took up loads of energy since clarence is soo fast. Hmm after finding Clarence successfully, we were told that there wasn't anything else to do so we could go off. Headed off to Eastpoint to continue playing, and i think I was quite a good hider ok! HAHA. Yeps it was really fun. Then kennedy came to meet us and we finished playing 6 rounds around levels 3 to 6 :) Then we headed to sit outside Subwaaaayyy before going to Tampines for a while. Reached home at about 5 plus because my Alicia, Jerald and my aunt came over!

I think I'm really blessed to have Trina and Alicia in my life, especially during this period of time. Thank you trina, thank you so so so so so much. I really wish there was a better way to thank you ♥ Also, I think I have the best cousin in the world too, I know you had a bad day as well, but I hope you felt better after talking to me :)

So glad my aunt decided to bring this girl over yesterday, we talked so much and just hung around doing nothing special :) but i really enjoyed it since i really missed her! My uncle came over at night too, and they left after staying a while. Decided to sleep early after that because my head was throbbing, and I woke up this morning feeling better because the dream I had was so good!! But it isn't ever gnna happen in reality ):

please stop hurting me, it's literally tearing me up and killing me and the pain isn't going away. I need you so much, I feel so pathetic and desperate, and I'm so exhausted, and you were honestly the last person I thought would ever hurt me so bad.